Friday, May 22, 2009

28. Wednesday - May 20, 2009

CYANOTYPE - Yesterday's creative effort all came together in a way that was totally unexpected... and I feel like I have found a direction, an idea that I think will totally rock. A photography of a different kind.
Cyanotypes were "discovered" in 1842. The first female photographer, Anna Atkins used this process to document a myriad of algae and ferns native to the British Isles.
I'm documenting another kind of generative plant like life... more to come.

27. Tuesday - May 19, 2009

FIRE TOWER - It has begun... again.

I'm picking up where I left off four years ago with the "completion" of my thesis that never really reached completion or a resolution that I had hoped for. Without real world constraints, I'm free to follow whatever path I want. Tomorrow should be interesting... I plan to do more more MORE!

26. Monday - May 18, 2009

MOM - We hit the road early in the morning and drove from DC to Brooklyn where we took a walk through the park. Mom was happy to be amongst trees, dogs, men playing dominoes, swans, geese and prospect park's beautiful pavilions. After recovering from ankle surgery, she did great keeping up with my city walking pace and she was very happy.
We picked up a six pack and a large cheese pie at the local pizza joint, headed home along the spring green tree lined rows of brownstones in the PLG. It was a great way to cap off a very busy weekend.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

25. Friday - May 15, 2009

TIME TRAVEL - After 15 years, my best friend from childhood and I reconnected (amazing what FB can do!). Our lives diverged after I was her maiden of honor when she married. It's crazy to see how much our lives have changed from that brief moment in time. It was jarring to see how or world has changed since our days when we spent every long summer hour surfing together, but it was even more amazing that the closeness we shared as friends all those years ago, still remains.

We embarked on some incredible time travel and attempted to cover those past 15 years in a few short hours. All of the happy moments, all of the struggles, and all of our best hits were revealed, relived and celebrated again. I realized that I've accomplished so much - and it's hard to be down on yourself when you look back and see what you've come from and where you are now. It's also remarkable to mentally plot that path of divergence between you and your closest childhood friend. It was almost painfully obvious to see what a career oriented person I've become. To see how different that trajectory has taken me and to see ~ quite easily ~ why I don't have what I've always wanted, a family of my own. I admit, it was a big revelation to me!

I admire Shannon for her courage to have a family and be just that, a family mother. What an awsome responsibility, what a miracle it is especially during these times when being a stay-at-home-mom is incredibly taboo amongst the circles of people that I hang out with - but something I secretly wish for and desire (shhh! don't tell anyone!). She has four incredible kids - smart, athletic and so sweet. I'm so happy for her, and I hope that any and every stay-at-home-mom (and working mom too or anyone who has kids for that matter!) that reads this knows that you have my admiration. What you do for a living, is hard work and requires giving so much of yourself. I wish our society appreciated you more because it is you in large part who determines the future of our planet, our country and our lives.

Shannon, you make it look effortless!

24. Thursday - May 14, 2009

DC - Today I spent a long 5 hours on the china town bus knock off (much safer Vamoose) and headed to DC to share my brother Ben's exciting achievement of graduating from George Washington University Law School. Rahm Emmanuel delivered a fantastic commencement speech about creating a new life in desperate times such as which we're currently living and how to recover from failure.

Rahm Emanuel said one thing in his speech which really hit me:
"You will have failures in your life, but it is what you do during those valleys that will determine the heights of your peaks."
It was inspirational and a much needed pep talk. Despite the rain, I started seeing the sun and Ben's seersucker suit (a summer staple amongst attorneys on Capital Hill) was a cheerful respite from the throngs of black suits and dresses that so many of the other graduates had donned. Not to mention that his fashion sense garnered the attention of the school's dean as the best dressed grad. I'm proud of what you've achieved Ben! Thank you, Ben, for being such an inspiration too!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

23. Wednesday - May 13, 2009

PROSPECT PARK - Today's weather was incredible - a beautiful cool breezy sunny day. No better time than to take a walk through Brooklyn's beautiful Prospect Park. I have to admit, today I felt very aimless... and I'm trying hard to not get down. I've heard nothing from the resume's I've sent out, and it seems there are no job listings on Archinect.

I sat uncomfortably for what felt like an eternity and pontificated about the meaning of life.

What on earth am I going to do with my life? So, to relieve myself of the existential pain, I got up from my jittery rest and aimlessly walked through the park along with all of the other unemployed professionals who had the same look of helpless despair on their faces. I impressed myself with how easily I could spot them.

The newly unemployed talked nervously on their phones about possible opportunities, hope, good things on the horizon. The others, the more veteran unemployed, disguised it well by burying their noses in books, riding bikes, flying kites or like me walked aimlessly through the park. Unified, they looked bored - and looked like fish out of water. What are all these A-type personalities going to do? In some way, maybe this park is the way to reach out and feel solace in the fact that yes, I'm not alone... but that still doesn't pay the bills or satisfy my goal obsessed psyche.

Next strategy? Chill the F out and enjoy my surroundings... Prospect Park was considered Olmstead's true masterpiece, constructed after the iconic Central Park was completed. The tunnels, bridges, pavilions and landscaping are beautiful and it is here where Brooklyn's last true forest resides.

Near the end of my amble and near the oriental pavillion, an attractive young man decked out in hip-hop gear made the observation:
"Man, I just love it, look at you, just takin' in all the nature! Hang in there baby, and have a great day!"
Thanks man... I'm trying my best, and even more thanks for putting a big smile on my face.

22. Tuesday - May 12, 2009

SALT - I joined Bob and his good friend Rob for dinner after an intense Yoga session with Amy tonight. After hauling my butt all the way to the end of the D train in the Bronx we hopped into Bob's infamous and beloved caving mobile and headed over to the Riverdale Diner. Immediately upon sitting down Rob grabbed the salt shaker and performed this crazy trick with salt. Miraculous! And that was just the beginning of dinner!

21. Monday - May 11, 2009

SOLDER - It has been four years since I've picked up a soldering iron, and I've set out to complete what I started with my thesis project. To start, I'm working with a new typology, fire lookout towers.
This one in particular, the sterling fire tower. I climbed the real thing with caving guru Bob in the middle of this past winter when it was covered in ice. Scary as hell but well worth the daring climb to the top for an unforgettable view of a distant NYC during sunset.

20. Friday - May 08, 2009

ANTICIPATION - What could be better than having something you've been looking forward to actually happening the very next day? It feels an awful like x-mas eve when I was a kiddo.
Tomorrow I'm hitting the road with some good friends and heading to Bull Mine for some vertical rope practice. I have a sneaking suspicion I won't be able to sleep!

19. Thursday - May 07, 2009

JURY DUTY BREAK - So I was confined to a gov't building today, doing my rightly earned duty of being selected to sit on a jury. Except I wasn't selected... the lawyers cancelled their appts because of the crazy rain. BUT, it got me out of the house and for lunch I got to escape and visit Emily and her dutiful helper White Bean. They were in the throws of creating a fabulous florescent plastic straw kite for the flyny kite contest and it looked great on Mr. Bean.

18. Wednesday - May 06, 2009

SUN - Man, this biblical rain is getting me down and depressed! Will it ever stop? I was so happy to see the light of the sun reveal itself even if it were a brief moment before it went down... please come back and stay a while won't you?

17. Tuesday - May 05, 2009

PERSEPOLIS - More rain, more gloom, more reason to not leave the apartment and more reason to read a good book.

16. Monday - May 04, 2009

SEX SELLS - The biblical rains continued to cast their dark shadow on the land. Sigh. Thankfully there is always something weird or quirky going on in my neighb, and as the population begins to age in the PLG (Prospect Lefferts Gardens) some new business have set up shop. "House of Supply" that once sold hip-hop style clothing is now selling medical supplies. Take a look at the window display... wheelchair to the left, wheelchair to the right... and in between? A mannequin wearing lovely lingerie.

15. Friday - May 01, 2009

TAMARIND - ooooooh, so good! Tamarind Tequila cocktail and good friends too! My BFF Dawn came for a visit for the weekend and no better way to start it all off than to get some tasty tapas at one of my favorite places - Macondo - the name couldn't be better thanks to 100 years of Solitude. The fabulous Emily and Julianna joined us for some tasty good and wonderful girly time. I'm so happy that Dawn was finally able to visit!

14. Thursday - April 30, 2009

PETAL PINK CARPET - Au natural! I took a walk through central park. The petals are all coming off of the trees and blanketing the vivid emerald grass with a delightful carpet of bubble gum pink!

13. Wednesday - April 29, 2009

KREMER - I had a job interview today, was as intimidating as hell. Wasn't feeling so great after so I walked around to think about it. On the same street, I saw this place, with pigments - beautiful powdery saturated colors - was it a sign? was this some greater force calling me to work on my own speculations? maybe I should start painting hard core again... The pigments were gorgeous and it reminded me of being in Kyoto at Nijo Castle where I met the lead shoji art conservationist. They had a myriads of pigments just like these - and the chunks of malachite and other materials right there ready to grind into powder and ready to mix with medium. An art in itself.
Think I'm going to have to go back, find a way to splurge ($$) and get myself some new pans of watercolors!

12. Tuesday - April 28, 2009

FRIENDS & FELINE - Joy invited me to dinner on this lovely Tuesday evening. The heat was oppressive, but the food wonderful as always and hanging with Reid, Joy, Kim, and Sadie the Wondercat made for a happy happy day.

11. Monday - April 27, 2009

SHADOWS - Went into my old office to pick up some drawing sets and start prepping for interviews - oh the horror! Met with my friend Danielle for some tasty tapas and enjoyed catching up on old times from our Ohio days. NYC is so beautiful at night especially around my former office - I caught these great sillhouette/shadows just around the corner at fishes eddy.

10. Friday - April 24, 2009

WHITE BEAN - A friend in need is a friend indeed... so says that long forgotten song by Book of Love. Today I picked up the lovely and forever effervescent Emily from the oral surgeon - I'm happy to report she is doing fine! White Bean was being a very concerned sweetie cat and it was great just hanging out with Friend and Feline! I'm glad your mouth is better Em!